Tuesday, February 17, 2009


In American history there have been two great defining elections. All other American elections are insignificant in comparison. The first great defining election was the election of Abraham Lincoln in 1860 that ushered in the great period of Republican Party dominance, which lasted from the civil war until the Great Depression. The second great defining election was the election of Franklin Roosevelt in 1932, which ushered in the great period of Democratic Party dominance.
This dominance has just been re certified by the recent election of President Obama. After the historic election of 1932, the Democrats faced a shattered opposition. Just as they do today. The Democratic Party then dominated politics at every level of government. The overwhelming majority of all the mayors in the country were Democratic . The overwhelming majority of all the state legislatures were Democratic. The overwhelming majority of all the state governors were Democratic. Democrats dominated both houses of Congress and the president was a democrat. Nothing has changed in 77 years. Eight decades later the dominance of the Democratic Party at every level of government is almost as total as it was in 1932.
Nothing better demonstrated their strangle hold on political power than their absolute domination of the House of Representatives for 62 straight years from 1932 to 1994. Under our system, command of the house alone granted Democrats perpetual blocking power over all legislation.
What two party system are people talking about? The simple truth of the matter is that we do not have a two party system in this country and have not had one since 1932. What we have is a one and a half party system, which is pretending to be a two party system. The only level of government at which the Republican Party is competitive is the presidency. Remove that and there is nothing left.
The question that has to be asked is how has the press missed this? Are they really that stupid or are they just pretending to be that stupid? The truth of the matter is that I just do not know. Both presumptions seem equally plausible to me.
As for the Democrats, the Republicans serve a very useful purpose. They are the perpetual fall guy and whipping boy of the Democratic Party whenever things go wrong. Just ask yourself what would the Democrats do if it ever dawned on the people that the lion's share of everything that has gone wrong in this country since 1932 was the fault of the Democratic Party? Things could get very ugly. Besides they like having the Republicans to kick around.
We now come to the vexing problem of the alleged power of the presidency to influence the economy. This idiotic belief is something that the Democrats have had a field day promoting ever since they rose to power in 1932 with their vicious attacks on President Hoover. Since their control of congress since 1932 has been almost perpetual and the presidency is the only branch of government in which the Republicans are competitive. There are enormous rewards for the Democrats in shifting the blame for economic hard times from congress where it belongs and in promoting the myth of presidential economic responsibility.
This domination not only extends to their control of the press but to popular beliefs as well.
Consider this, all my life I have wondered why the Hoover Dam was called the Hoover Dam
instead of the Roosevelt Dam. After all, we all know that after the stock market crash of 1929 President Hoover and the Republicans sat around in a stupor and did nothing while the country went to hell. Don't we? Then the heroic Democrats took over and saved the country in the 1930s with their huge public works projects. The most massive of which was the Hoover Dam and the magnificent Golden Gate Bridge.
Recently, I was stunned to discover that the Hoover Dam and the Golden Gate Bridge and god only knows what other major public works projects of the 1930s were authorized not under Roosevelt which is what we all believe but under President Hoover!
How sweet it is!
This is domination, total and complete.
When the Democratic Party took control of the country in 1932 their position was ideal. They had assumed power when the country was at rock bottom. Things could not possibly have gotten any worse. The stock market had lost 91% of its value and 5,000 banks had failed. The unemployment rate was at 24%. If they had done nothing for the rest of the decade except giggle stupidly at themselves the economy would have improved.
They instead embarked on the most advanced economic thinking of the day. Keynesian economic theory, which held that vast government public work programs was the solution to the depression. It should have worked but it didn't.
I would have supported these programs. Just as I support public works programs for today's recession.
The failure of these public works programs to end the depression is astonishing. The unemployment numbers are so bad that it is hard to believe them. In 1932 the unemployment rate was 23.6%. In 1933 it was 24.9%. In 1934 it was 21.7%. In 1935 it was 20.1%. In 1936 it was 16.9%. In 1937 it was 14.3%. In 1938 it was 19%. In 1939 it was 17.2%.
Then salvation came. It was the armaments production of World War Two that saved the day. Not Keynesian public works projects.The 1929 GDP was not exceeded until 1943 well into the war. It was not until 1955 that the 1929 stock market peak was exceeded.
The Democratic propaganda machine is a Juggernaut. Almost everyone believes that the Democratic Party and its vast public works projects saved the country in the 1930s after the stupid, do-nothing Republican Party had wrecked it.
The Republicans don't stand a chance. They don't have a chance!

The American people in their ignorance have been adamant since day one that when the economy goes south the person to blame is the president. The problem with this cherished belief is that when the economy blows up the president cannot possibly be blamed because the constitution does not grant the president economic powers. Only congress is granted economic powers. There can be only one possible explanation for this belief. At least 80% of the American people must have been in a stupor when the constitution was being explained to them in civics class.
The president is commander-in-chief of the armed forces and the chief executive officer or CEO of the federal bureaucracy. And he is the co-equal with the congress in diplomacy and foreign affairs. And that is where his powers end. His powers to influence the economy for good or ill are zero, Nada, zip.
The constitution grants congress total political power to influence the economy through its monopoly power to write laws effecting the economy and its power to spend money. Consider this; congress has the power to remove the president from office. But the president cannot remove one single member of congress from office. Congress can override the president by overriding his veto and thus impose its will on the president.But the president is powerless to override the will of congress if his veto is not sustained.
At this point some cretin will step forward and allege that while all this is true it is usually the case that congress follows the will of the president. You cannot be serious! What fantasy land have you been living in! Everything depends on which party controls congress. If his party controls congress, the president has a reasonable chance of getting something that vaguely resembles his proposal through. And this holds true only if you do not make the mistake of reading the legislation. If you read the legislation you are in for a rude disappointment. You will find that there is a yawning gap that looks like the Grand Canyon between what the president proposes and the legislation that he finally ends up signing. If on the other hand the president's party does not control congress, forget it.
Recently, we have had a textbook demonstration of who holds the whip hand. When Treasury Secretary Paulson on September 20, 2008 presented President Bush's now notorious $700 billion TARP program to congress. The proposal was written on three and a half pages. After he got through whining and begging the imperial congress presented the president with its own TARP program. A 450 page detailed document that after the president signed it had the force of law. Case closed!
Who runs the country,the Democratic Party? Who is responsible for the economy, the United States Congress?
Fred Carach is the author of the book, "Forty Years A Speculator" and his essays and pod casts can be viewed on his blog at fortyyearsaspeculator.blogspot.com

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